October 11 Weekend Fishing Report

Boy there sure are tons of people preparing for deer season.  I'm sure you've all seen the tree stands being hauled north.  That gets me excited because I know the cooler weather is coming or at least we hope, right?  Not sure  about you but I'm ready for some relief from this heat regardless!

My Broken Record


As I understand it Jax Boat Club has a lot of family folks. Looking for an enjoyable day on the water and they do not want to dive into boat ownership, boat storage, boat maintenance, towing, insurance, etc.  They just want to have fun.

FWC & SAF Looking at Changes

No fewer than four species of fish are being looked at for changes in the law. Along with the new Shark rules that went into effect this past July 1st, these new laws could have major implications for North Florida. They are now looking at Spotted Seatrout as the next fish that might have changes. And that will affect North Florida in a major way.

June 28 Weekend Fishing Report

We've had a lot of things working against us this summer…  the live bait has been more scarce than in years past and THE WIND has been absolutely brutal for days in a row.  We've been fishing in 3-5 ft seas almost daily.  It has been the most steady and hard wind we've seen in any June that I can remember!