Everything You Need to Know for a Day of Tubing

Heading out on the water with your family for a day of fun boat tubing means you need to be prepared. There are some things you should know to keep everybody safe and a few things you may want to make sure you bring with you.

Whether you have younger children or teenagers, you need to be aware of the safety implications. Communicating what you expect from your children when on the water is vital to safety. Here are the things you should know when you want to enjoy a day of tubing.

Awareness is the Key to Safety

Remaining aware goes a very long way when it comes to boat tubing safety. You want to make sure everybody in your family is aware of the surroundings and their own bodies.

Tubing can lead to injuries. With proper tubing instructions and safety gear, this is something you hopefully not need to worry about.

However, injuries can happen and you want to be aware of the possibility. The website BetterBoat.com lists many of the possible injuries from a day of tubing. Make sure you are aware of the possible injuries and make sure you remain aware of your surroundings to keep your family safe on the water.

Other Keys to Boat Tubing Safety

When you head out on the water for a day of tubing, safety has to come first. Tubing is a lot of fun and you can minimize the risks by adhering to the right safety procedures. Some tips to keep in mind include:

  • Always wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD)

  • Become Familiar with your Equipment

  • Know who's riding the tube and their capabilities

  • Use a spotter [this is someone who never takes their eyes off the tube and can communicate with the Captain to relay problems]

  • Use a secure tow line that is rated for the weight you will have no it

  • Take care when it comes to wakes [this is for the boat and the tuber]

  • Drive responsibly and sober

  • Be aware of the water restrictions [watch for no wake zones and adhere to all Florida Wildlife Recommendations]

  • Find open water for tubing, so there are no obstructions near your patch.

Knowing your equipment and the capability of the rider will help you to have a fun day of tubing. Make sure when you get your boat from Jax Boat Club, you take some time to familiarize yourself with the boat before hitting the water and starting your day of tubing.

Bring Everything You Need

A fun day of boat tubing can end quickly if you forget things you really need, such as sunscreen, snacks, and even lunch. Bringing everything you need for a day out on the water should be a huge priority.

Some of the things you want to make sure you have for your day of tubing include:

  • Sunscreen

  • Swimsuits

  • Safety Gear (helmets, life jackets, water goggles, etc.)

  • Your Tube and Towline

  • Snacks and Food

  • Beverages

  • Plenty of Water

  • Change of Clothes

  • Towels

  • Sunglasses

  • Water shoes

  • Extra bags for wet clothing and trash

Make sure you're prepared for a full day on the water and you have everything you need for both the adults and the children.

Heading out on the water for a day of boat tubing means you'll also need the right boat. When you choose Jax Boat Club, you'll gain access to plenty of great boats perfect for a day of tubing.