Boating Etiquette Basics for All Boaters

Boating comes with a unique set of rules. Along with the basic rules of boating, all boaters should understand boating etiquette basics. With good etiquette, you'll remain safe on the water and keep other boaters from getting upset with you.

boat etiquette

Watch Your Wake

One of the main things boaters should always do is watch the wake they are creating. While the wake could be fun for wakeboarders, other boaters may find it annoying. If it gets too bad, it can even become dangerous.

A speeding vessel may cause a wake capable of damaging another boat or causing injury to a passenger, according to The All State Blog

When it comes to boating etiquette basics, all boaters should be aware of their wake. In addition, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary says you should remember that a "no wake zone" means moving at the slowest possible speed, while still being able to steer.

Understanding Right-Of-Way on the Water

Another part of boating etiquette basics is understanding the right-of-way on the water. For example, a sailboat under sail should have the right-of-way over a powerboat. However, if the sailboat is running with an engine, it now falls into the same category as a powerboat.

You should always get the right-of-way to a human-powered vessel, such as a kayak, canoe, or SUP, even if you're operating a sailboat. Understanding the right-of-way on the water helps to keep you and others on the water safe.

Docking and Launching Boating Etiquette

When you're launching your boat, you should always move as efficiently as possible. You never want to clean, unload, or drain your boat when you're on the ramp. 

Also, when you dock for fuel, you want to get your fuel, pay your bill, and get out of the way. If you need other things, such as bait or groceries, relocate your boat so others can get fuel.

Anchorage Etiquette

When it's time to enter an anchorage, you always want to mimic other boats and how they tied off. For example, if all boaters are swinging to one anchor, don't set two. If you set two, you'll move differently if the wind changes, which could cause issues.

You want to avoid driving fast through an anchorage because people like to swim and they can be hard to spot. 

Inform Your Guests

One of the biggest issues boaters run into with etiquette is guests not abiding by the rules. Whenever you have guests on board, make sure they are aware of the boating etiquette basics. If you have special rules onboard your vessel, make sure they are aware of these rules, as well.

Boating etiquette is about respect and making sure everybody can enjoy their time on the water. While there are specific rules for safety, etiquette takes things a bit further by providing rules for boaters to follow out of respect for other boaters. Whether you own a boat or you’re a part of the Jax Boat Club, you should follow these basic boating etiquette guidelines.